As I was waiting for my yoga kids to arrive on Monday night, I walked back to the massage area of the chiropractic building that I teach my classes in. In the waiting room, they had a pile of inspiration/destiny cards. I was first made aware of this type of card at my yoga training out in Colorado. Every day we would pull a new card and read the message letting it "speak to us" as we practiced during the day. Some days the cards held more meaning than other days, but they always provided a time for me to stop and reflect on what the true meaning of each card was and what life message it was giving to me.
So anyhow, on Monday night, I spotted a pile of cards similar to this. There was one card laying face up on the deck of cards, as the rest of the cards were laying face down. This is what it said:
Blessing in Disguise
What appears to be a problem is actually part of your answered prayer. You'll understand the reasons behind your present situation as everything resolves. Trust in heaven's protection and infinite wisdom to answer your prayers in the best way.
This is exactly what I needed to hear. Of course, I went home with a little extra skip in my step and was so excited to share it with Ross. I couldn't remember the exact wording of the card, but I was able to tell him the gist of the card. He agreed it was a good message for me to remember.
This all gets even better when I go back on Tuesday night to teach another yoga class. I had a free minute so I decided to go a pull another card from the pile. This time all of the cards were neatly in the pile, face down. So I quickly pulled a card from the bottom half of the pile, and my jaw dropped! It was the exact same card that had been laying face up waiting for me to read it the night before.
I see it as no coincidence. I see it as a strong message that I really need to hear, listen to, read, and reflect on frequently. This is when I decided to copy down the message word for word. Since writing the message down on a post-it note last night, I have reread the message a handful of times. Each time I feel a sense of letting go of fear and trusting that everything will be fine. Everything will work out just as it needs to be. People, places, and situations are all on my life path for very specific reasons. Even though some of the people, places, and situations seem unfair, difficult, or hard to understand, I need to trust in them just as much as I trust in the good that comes my way. It is all part of my answered prayer and a blessing in disguise. And as yoga has taught me, you just need to breath through it.