Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sleeping Like A Baby

I slept like a baby last night and am so thankful for that! Some nights it feels like I may never fall asleep, and I'm trying to not worry about the "what if..." part of it. Will I survive without sleep? Yes. Will I still be able to function? Yes. Will it be hard? Yes. But sleep will come.

We saw a rainbow last night too, and I'm holding on to that as a good sign too! Now if I could just find that pot of gold, we'd be set.

Mornings are rough. I wake up feeling fine and within 5 minutes, I can feel like anxiety sneaking in. Of course, the anxious brain begins asking questions and becoming upset about the anxiety, but what I'm learning is that I need to acknowledge it and let the thought pass like a wave. There is no right or wrong way to feel emotions (anxiety is just fear) and so I need to stop judging myself for how I feel. Just let it be....It is easier said than done, as I'm sure you all know!

So today I got up, had breakfast, got Elyse ready, went for a walk, sat on the deck and read "Fifty Shade of Grey," showered, and am ready to head to the cities for an appointment with a Natural Healing/Whole Body Wellness Chiropractor. I'll have to fill you in more on his approach to all of this anxiety later. It's a very interesting approach, and if I train my brain to believe it, I think I will find success with his treatments. That's the anxiety again doubting what he knows to be true and has already told me will be helpful for me.

Make it a great day! And it's okay if you trip along the way.

Anxiety is part of creativity, the need to get something out, the need to be rid of something or to get in touch with something within.David Duchovny

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