Thursday, June 21, 2012

You Are Not...

I stole this entry from one of the postpartum websites that I follow. I think it probably rings true for more people than not, but it just takes a lots of guts to speak it out loud. Many of these statements ring true for me, so if you've ever felt this way too...we're in the same boat. Like this author says, "YOU.ARE.NOT.ALONE." are not.
You are not the only one who spends all day in bed, wakes up ten minutes before your significant other gets home and plows through the house attempting to give them some semblance of your productivity.
You are not the only one who hates taking that pill everyday.
You are not the only one who stops taking your medication because you hate what it does to you and why can’t you just feel normal on your own?
You are not the only one for whom medication does not work.
You are not the only one who has spent an inordinate amount of money in an attempt to make yourself feel better.
You are not the only one who wants a hug from your husband without him attempting to make a move on you.
You are not the only one with a significant other who just doesn’t get it.
You are not the only one that wants to crawl back in bed instead of walking with your kids to the park on a sunny day.
You are not the only one who wants to kick puppies and wield stabby objects when someone suggests you “pray harder” or “have more faith.”
You are not the only one who has gone into a shouty rage when asked “Did you remember to take your medication?”
You are not the only one that is afraid to write about your feelings on the Internet.
You are not the only one who worries how other people will perceive your so called “weaknesses.”
You are not the only one who spent years self medicating with alcohol.
You are not the only one who regrets their children on the bad days.
You are not the only one with a family who doesn’t understand “what the hell’s wrong with you and why on earth can’t you just get over it already?”
You are not the only one who cries at silly things all the time.
You are not the only one who is tired all the time.
You are not the only one who never wants to have the sex.
You are not the only one who doesn’t want to have more children because you’re just not sure you could handle going through post partum again.
You are not the only one who has been in a hospital for depression.
You are also not the only one who has considered if a stay in the hospital wouldn’t be just what you needed.
You are not the only one who worries about passing this disease down to your children.
You are not the only one who feels this way.
But you know what you are?
And if you keep insisting that you are for the sake of your own pride?
You are not going to get better.
God didn’t put billions of people on the planet for us to only take care of ourselves.


  1. Laura, thank you so much for sharing your blog! It is very refreshing to read! I work at the mental health center in Pipestone, and I see these struggles on a daily basis, however, it is nice to hear about someone who wants to tackle mental illness head on. If you are ever interested in public speaking let me know, we have a couple of group therapy sessions here, and they would love to hear about someone who is dealing with the same things they are, and winning. It is nice for them to hear they are not the only ones suffering and that they is hope, but it takes work. Public speaking might not be your thing yet, but it can be therapeutic to share your story! Let me know!! Again thanks for sharing and congrats on baby #2! it is so much fun having 2 kiddos!!!

  2. my email address is if you would like to communicate that way!!! Make it a great day Laura!!
